Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Fire Dragon

Phew, that was lucky. There was a window of opportunity between rainstorm and gale during which the dads of the group mounted an truly impressive show, leading the drumming and inspiring the children to whisper their wishes into the dragon's ears, before hoisting the beast up onto the pedestal.

There was a small pause during which we wondered how well the structure would burn, but Dh in characteristic fashion had no doubt, and after a suspenseful moment or two, the dragon flared, spouting fireworks and flames from eyes, mouth, nostrils and wings.

The gales have truly set in now and the house is being battered in the darkness. There are people slumbering in every part of the house. All cosy.


  1. Anonymous1:32 pm

    Well, Carlotta, just to say what a fabulous and wonderful dragon it was. Your dh, T and everyone who was involved did the most fantastic job in keeping everyone fixated :-)
    Many thanks for a very enjoyable evening,

  2. So pleased you managed to make it, despite the lurgies. Do hope all are OK and was definitely thinking of you when writing the next post about the apparent unlikelihood of the contention that HE later born kids are less likely to get infections!

    Can't believe how well as yours coped, despite that!
