Saturday, January 28, 2006

Criticisms of Home Education...Post Removed

The previous post here has been removed as there was a strong possibility that it may be a matter of feeding the trolls.

But my curiousity about a wider perception of HE still remains. As I said in that post, almost always nowadays, when I tell someone who sends their child to school that we HE, I sense a complex series of strong emotions about which they are not forthcoming...and I would love to know exactly what they are thinking.

Perhaps it really does all boil down to guilt - if you do get an explicit reaction, (which sounds as if has been squeezed out just in time, through heavy editing), it is "Oooh, you are SOO brave. I couldn't do it myself."

Perhaps I should be grateful for these social skills and not ask what else may be going on in their heads, but I get the feeling that it could be helpful to understand their reactions, since this may help us to confront issues that we prefer to ignore, such as the issue of whether an HE based economy could really work.


  1. Anonymous6:53 pm

    Did you always believe in HE? Perhaps going back in time on your thinking could help you understand other people reaction's now. I am still feel on the edge of the fence, to be honest.

  2. Good question...Will answer it above!

  3. Anonymous1:13 pm

    Am intrigued...will you email me the post?


  4. Clare...

    have deleted original mail, but will try to look up the links again.

    It's hard to tell when genuinely useful criticisms should be ignored in the case that they are not genuine in source! I actually felt that some of the points in those posts were interesting, but was reliably informed that they were probably of narcissistic, attention-seeking origin and best not propogated...
