Thursday, March 16, 2006

Child Beating Promoters Linked to Death

In memory of Sean Paddock, who died at the age of 4.

From the News and Observer:

"Lynn Paddock ordered books by a minister and his wife that recommended using pipe to spank kids. Sean Paddock died last month. "

The minister in question?

"Paddock ordered Michael and Debi Pearl's books and started spanking her adopted children as suggested. After Sean, the youngest of Paddock's six adopted children, died last month, his older sister and brother told investigators about Paddock's spankings".

Further in the article, with regard to the Old Schoolhouse Magazine:

"Gena Suarez, publisher of a magazine for home-schooling parents that publishes advertisements for the Pearls' books, said their teachings are often inappropriately used to defend child abuse.[The Pearls] are talking about something that would fit in a purse," Suarez said. "The only way you can kill a child with that is by shoving it down his throat."

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine tour is NOT wanted here.

Via Daryl

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:04 am

    I am linking my button to this one!
