Saturday, April 01, 2006

Freedom in Home Education

A part-time US home educated 14 year old artist gets her own show. Apparently she's good, but this is the bit that caught my eye:

"Her father, Roger Crowley, is a Tibetan Buddhist and an Amtrak porter. Her mother is a spiritual healer and therapist. Does Crowley share her parents' religious beliefs?

"No," she said. "I'm not interested in spirituality."

Crowley's parents aren't raising followers. Independence is what they value, and that's what Crowley gives them."

HT: Daryl.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:33 am

    Interesting! Two other bits stood out for me too. Firstly, the mother's lack of interest in her daughter's work!

    "Goodell continued. "I have a clear memory of her at 2 saying, 'I want to paint.' I didn't encourage it. It's so messy. Visual art doesn't interest me, and I didn't recognize her painting as anything special."

    Secondly, the value the family put on confidence and being able to stand up for themselves. The girl could say with confidence when at school 'no one messes with me' (she was trained in karate).

    Why did I make ds feel that violence was wrong per se, despite his brown belt in judo? It obviously isn't always. And, this attitude made it much harder for him in peer groups such as school.

