Friday, May 26, 2006

Bye for Now

Yep...we've done it...well OK, Dh, kids, friends and yet more family have done it whilst I've sat round giving orders (crushed fingers can be good!): we are actually leaving for Paris.

Housesitters are here, car is packed, tickets, passport, money, those things that aren't an E111 anymore...

See you on 24th June.


  1. Bon voyage and have a wonderful (and safe!!!) (and healing!!!!) time :)

    Carlotta, I tried to post a comment the other day and then to email you and was having no luck with the internet fairies, but even with you gone already I'm glad I got through...

  2. Dear Becky,

    Thank you so much...Paris excellent for the fingers it seems! We had a wonderful time, and were it not for the political situation (which I do think anyway may improve shortly) and the absolute impossibility of home educating freely in France, I would move there tomorrow.

    We are off again today...for a more consistently relaxing hols this time. Our time in Paris consisted of extraordinary extremes, from hotly squeezing and hoiking buggies containing very young children round a very unbuggy friendly metro system and sleeping about seven to a bed, to a reception at the extraordinarly gilded residences of the Russian ambassador.

    Most weird thing of all though, am going to add Wagner to my list of favorite musicians. I thought I hated his stuff, but we were seriously privileged to hear a recital of the Death of Isolde at the residence, and you couldn't have asked for anything more moving...ever.

    Am worried that the internet gremlins may have been my not sure, but they seem to have gone away again...

    Hope you and yours are all well.
