Wednesday, May 24, 2006

New Plan

After an interesting experience with a sack truck, (crushing all of one's fingers bar two is actually surprisingly instructive in terms of getting to see how everyone can cope with a mother without functioning hands, - very well it seems - may have to do this more often) - we are back on track with a revised plan: we are definitely going to get to Paris come what may and Portugal still on, though the camping all rather depends on a fuller recovery of ribs and fingers!

But overall...great news...I can now handedly admittedly but am pretty pleased with this, given the circumstances.


  1. Oh, Carlotta! that sucks. :( Hope you get better soon.

  2. Anonymous10:10 pm

    There are so many things I would like you to do for me in Paris. Musee d'Orsay for starters...

    Have a great time!


  3. Thanks Andrea...and hope you too are OK!

    And D...will do! Also will be scanning the second hand bookstores.
