Monday, August 28, 2006

Attachment Parenting & Home Education in the Independent

The Independent has a piece on attachment parenting from a home educator. Rings a lot of bells.


  1. There's a programme on Channel 5 tonight, too. 9 or 10.

  2. Anonymous3:54 pm

    that home educator is in the programme.

  3. Anonymous7:09 pm

    Is she? I so hope it's a positive programme!

  4. The previews have been rather worrying: it links AP as if almost inevitably, with a hippie life-style and with some degree of squalor, by the sounds of it.

    I personally came by AP through reading the works of John Bowlby (a child psych, I think and not a hippie). We managed the extended bfing, co-sleeping, slings, usually responsive style parenting (at least for second child)and a slightly relaxed attitude towards housekeeping, without lapsing into squalor...well, serious squalor anyway....errr...supper table completely covered in cardboard and paint as I write, but ummm...

    And we certainly didn't attempt a hippie-lifestyle in other regards.

    I personally feel AP makes sense whatever your other views on the world.

  5. After seeing the prog, I don't think the preview really gave the right impression! Not hippie at all.
