Thursday, January 11, 2007

Tidy Those Shelves

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By way of marking the fact that I think we are busted, (the LA know about us), this is me!


  1. Anonymous4:00 pm

    How did they find you, through the blog?

    Anyway, you're looking good. So are the shelves.

  2. Stupidly didn't realise I was talking to an education inclusion unit, and not the Traveller Education Service as I supposed. I couldn't understand why woman kept fishing for more and more details on me. It was too late to back track once I twigged.

  3. Oh bummer:( Sly aren't they? We got found through school health cos my boys got free pulls up cos of their ASD. The women asked my address to send the pulls up too and phoned the LA up with it.

  4. My family is completely confusing with hair colour. My dad has black hair, and dark, continental skin and appearance, my brother is completely blond, he has one child with straight black hair and one with a mass of blond curls. They honestly couldn't be more opposite, given that they are both Caucasian.

    Myself and the children are boringly in the middle, I'd say, but I often worry for my brother and actually for DH (who has blond curly hair), that they will get accused of abducting something that really doesn't look to be their own.

  5. oh no, that's bad you have been busted.. though completely fair as you got the brains and the good can't have everything!!!
    But seriously..tis bad..but at least you can go down to the LA and have it out in person! ( I suspect I may be making things worse

    I imagined you dark haired too..must be the name ;)

  6. Thanks so much for the consolations re LAs. I may be getting back to you for more!

    In fact have just spent this evening being made to role play the situation when the LA ring or pitch up by a very patient HE couple who were seriously alarmed at my likely responses. I think you peeps here and they have now talked me down a bit, though that could be the Moscow Mule...we'll have to see in the morning.

  7. Anonymous10:51 pm

    thought I'd look in belatedly to see the pic. Great pic and good on you for going public. I think your views are far too useful to be hidden or muted by having to stay secret!

    Tis funny the genes thing. My 4 children began dark haired and dark skinned and have got progressively paler, Like my energy levels!

    school rang today to ask about DD3's ethnic origin. 'I'm not allowed to assume' explained the secretary. Well, no but what she didn't say was that if I refuse to supply info school will fill in form anyway...

    Sarah f
