Friday, February 09, 2007

Jim Knight Said....

Via Hansard, Jim Knight MP is reported to have said:

"Parents who elect to home educate their children must ensure that they receive efficient, full-time education suitable to each child's age, ability and aptitude and to any special needs they may have. Local authorities can make whatever enquiries they consider appropriate to establish whether education provided at home is in accordance with the law. My officials are currently drafting guidelines for local authorities on elective home education, which are due to be issued later this year. "

Ok, let us hope that is an unfortunate turn of phrase, shall we, Mr Knight? I mean "whatever" enquiries they consider appropriate. Suppose that means that LAs consider it appropriate to turn up on your doorstep every three months. Come on , all you non-HE readers. Would you, as law abiding citizens, like having someone who had complete say-so over your entire life, and yet knows next to nothing about it, stepping through your door every three months, when in the opinion of many right-minded people, you are doing nothing wrong?

Hmm...when I have a mo, I will be telling him what I think.


  1. Anonymous10:32 pm

    sens him a postcard ;-)

  2. I'm on to it, Tech. Thanks for the pointer. I am slipping behind!!

  3. Hi Carlotta! We haven't been paying too much attention lately to all the govt changes re HE--can you tell me a site to go to to catch up on the details of the proposed changes? Thanks, Elizabeth

  4. Hi Elizabeth...I am not at all surprised about the keeping up thing. I really have tried, and still feel like am chronically slipping behind. Things seem to be moving so fast...but a good place to start can be found in the mail I have just posted above, which contains the link to EO's briefing paper on their meeting with the DfES about the prospective consultation on possible statutory changes to the law on HE.


  5. Sorry, to that mail is
