Saturday, May 19, 2007

Look, Mr Brown, HE is the Answer

Great letter from Home Educator Helen McNulty in the Guardian in response to Jenni Russell's excellent critique of the current school system with it's tick box mentality. Just in case the link to the letter gets lost, Helen wrote:

"Jenni Russell encapsulates what is wrong with our education system, state and private: education, in the true sense, no longer exists; only coaching for exams. Increasingly, parents who want their children to have a real, meaningful education, equipping them with the "motivation, flexibility, communication skills...[and] confidence" which employers find so lacking, are turning to home education. They know that being able to think and learn outside the constraints of a narrow syllabus are more valuable than a list of GCSEs. Colleges and universities are now prepared to accept "non-standard" applicants, and indeed value their independent and mature outlook."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:22 pm

    Brilliant article by Jenni. I'm going to print it out and pin it up in case I ever have niggling doubts about why I decided to HE!!

