Friday, July 20, 2007

Tony Mooney, Can You Explain This Please?

And this shows that the countries which have the lowest number of hours in the classroom - Finland, Norway, Sweden, South Korea and Denmark - are also among the countries with the highest level of achievement.


  1. Anonymous7:55 am

    Whilst I agree that long hours in the classroom aren't advantageous, I think it is possible that the most successful countries listed are actually those countries with the least childhood poverty amongst other things. There could be more significant factors. (Have read a report saying as much but fail to find it now, so if anyone knows)


  2. Sure, but dare I say it, it's all linked: and breaking those links, forcing kids to spend more time in the classroom while their parents are forced to work longer hours for less pay, leads to a more bovine, unproductive workforce in the future, which forces the kids to work longer hours when they grow up, forcing their kids into the classroom for longer....
