Thursday, September 06, 2007

Home Education in the Glos Echo

Pamela Armstrong tells it as it is in the Gloucestershire Echo. She explains that the controls already in place are adequate to deal with the likes of Eunice Spry and, through the example of an HEing family, demonstrates why freedom in education, eg: freedom from age-related norms, is so important.


  1. Well done Pamela!! Tell it like it is

  2. Was so pleased with it, I have to say. I think she made some excellent points. Would like to forward this to the DCSF!

  3. Anonymous10:14 am

    It said on the article 'be the first to comment', so i commented in support of the article and nothing happened.

    So, then, I wrote again asking for at least some sort of response to why the comment wasn't being put up and have now noticed that they have removed the comment option, but still haven't replied to me!

  4. Very annoying. I notice that other people have had the same problem, so don't think it was coming from your end. Perhaps we got to the comment section too late.
