Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Education in the 21st Century - The Home Educators' View?

Returning, (see post below) to the matter of getting the killer message across, ie: that the state must avoid appropriating responsibility for education, perhaps the following would provide a satisfactory opportunity to do a little earwigging with Lord Adonis.

From Events Programme for St. Paul's Cathedral:

"Must try harder?

Education in the 21st Century

30th October 2007
6.30 - 8.00pm
St Paul's Cathedral
Admission free and unticketed.

Who is education for? What role should schools play in shaping a well-balanced childhood? In an increasingly competitive world, is education beihng compromised by an economic agenda? this debate considers how edcuation can help children flourish now an dits long term implication fro both adulthood and society.

Panel: Andrew Adonis, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Schools; Anna Hassan, Headteacher of Millfields Community School; Rebecca Nye, author and consultant on children's spirituality, Gervase Phinn, lecturer and children's writer. "

Any London HEors available?

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