Sunday, March 02, 2008

Some of My Friends

There are at least 6 home educators in this cute You Tube Vid, one of whom I suspect would have thoroughly enjoyed his role, throwing the hero from the train.


  1. Anonymous4:46 pm

    I didn't see six people in it! I wonder if the link is right?


  2. Anonymous9:08 am

    no my fault I was looking for home educated instead of home educators!

  3. Anonymous9:24 am

    That was funny.

  4. Hi D,

    The link is right though you would be hard pressed to recognise at least 4 of the HEors in it, but 2 of them should be obvious if you stay alert.

    The hero is actually an HE dad and in point of fact is one of those annoying sort of people who gets you thrown of tube trains for causing you to snicker uncontrollably.

    You can't see the face of the little tike on the bike, and he is acting very well indeed, given that he is actually one of the gentlest souls on the planet.
