Monday, May 12, 2008


From a Barbara Ellen column entitled Let Teachers Teach and Leave Parents to Raise Children:

"Make 'home parenting' like 'home schooling', something weird and uncool your children beg you not to get involved in."

Oh honestly, what does she know! This commentator is much more informed:

"...your comment about home education being 'something weird and uncool your children beg you not to get involved in' is slightly misguided.

I've been home educating my sons since 2005 and the only thing they ever beg me to do is never send them back to school.

Like the majority of home educated children they spend a lot of time socialising with other children, many of whom go to school. As soon as my sons mention the fact that they don't go to school, they become the envy of the other children.

Not once has a child ever said that they were 'weird and uncool', in fact I hear a lot of the children telling their parents that they wish they could be home educated like my boys."

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