Monday, June 09, 2008

Letter of the Month

From Peterborough Today:

"Home Education Can Be a Success

I write regarding your article "17-fold increase in home schooling" (ET, June 4).

I would query the use of the words schooling and tutoring to describe home education. Schooling implies that all children attend the same institution or are formally taught the same thing, and neither is the case with home education.

Tutoring is misleading as it has connotations that a specific teacher or tutor is brought in to teach the young people, which in my experience is rarely the case with families who home educate.

I have been home educated for just over four years now.

Since I left school, I have worked towards GCSE and A-level qualifications and currently have a conditional place to read archaeology and geography at university. Being home educated has allowed me to take exams as and when I was ready, and to carry out volunteer work at Flag Fen Bronze Age Centre.

It's important to let people know that it is possible to gain qualifications, go to university, and be successful after being home educated.

PIPPA GARDNER (aged 17)"

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