Monday, March 23, 2009

Honestly, What's the Point?

This post comes to you from someone who got an A grade in O level Latin and a B in physics, and even at the time, I barely understood a word of either subject. It doesn't therefore come as a great to surprise to me to hear that when English SATS papers were graded by a panel of experts, 44% (yes, that's 44%) of papers did not end up with the grade that they had been awarded.


  1. Yes what is the point? I suppose it is making money for someone somewhere and that is why it continues but even some teachers are fed up of SATS. LOL at the O levels. I wrote 15 pages of pure drivel in my economics O level and got a B!

  2. Anonymous5:52 pm

    Apparently translated into today's exams I can claim to have got straight As in all my O and A levels and having looked at some GCSE 'science' papers I can certainly believe it.

    Who knows what the situation will be when dd gets into her teens but if she were that old now I would certainly not be encouraging her to waste her time on GCSEs.

  3. Anonymous11:42 am

    SATS are for schools to look good. They offer nothing I can see of any value to children. Of course I remember my son getting so stressed as his first sats loomed that he would throw up in the morning! He was 6!!!

  4. Anonymous4:28 pm

    I have to say, if I put my kids in school, I would refuse to let them sit the Sats, or encourage them fill the answer sheets with b*ll*cks. But then, as the schools apparently teach to a Sat-passing curriculum, there would hardly be any point in them attending the rest of the time..
