Monday, March 16, 2009

Virtual Learning in the TES

We know that NotSchool is not what we are looking for. Could Schome be the answer? Obviously, the first prerequisite: that it should be entirely voluntary.

Anyhow, am more certain that the free resource of the week is Hippocampus.


  1. Anonymous10:07 am

    No Schome would have been no more the answer for dd than anything else.
    She simply couldn't have coped with itoriginally and isn't interested now......

    Sorry if I am being a bit daft about this but...
    I have already found the answer anyway. I'm not looking for anything else. It's called autonomous education.

    That's it.

  2. Yes, I'm a bit mystified re: the answer Carlotta. What was the question please?

  3. You're right to ask Gill! I think I was thinking of a properly resourced, non-compulsory, exciting educational virtual reality, a la WoW but with a reality-based content. Have been dreaming of this quietly for years, but don't think Schome is yet the answer as it looks limited and clunky atm, sadly.

  4. I think I will stick with what I know works:) Tbh my kids are not that into computers as a learning resource. they prefer to play games on then lol

  5. Anonymous5:11 pm

    "Tbh my kids are not that into computers as a learning resource. they prefer to play games on then lol"

    And you think playing games is what? An action void of problem solving? It's not, it's learning too. :)
