Tuesday, April 14, 2009

HE Review - Panel Members

From Freedom for Children to Grow:

"This information has been provided by the Review Team:


The independent review of home education will gather, analyse and interpret a wide range of evidence before it reaches any conclusions and makes recommendations to Ministers. It is imperative that the process is supported by a range of experts to ensure recommendations are rigorous and firmly rooted in evidence.

Role and remit

The Group will act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Review team. It will be used to cross check the interpretation of evidence and gain expert insight into key issues, such as the operation of current processes and practice within LAs; child development and the outcomes of home educated children; and child protection for example. It will also act as a sounding board for emerging findings and recommendations, ensuring they are based on firm evidence, are workable and will actively improve outcomes for children.

The group will not be asked to comment on drafts of the review report but may be invited to check specific parts of it, for example, aspects of the report that are pertinent to their area of expertise.

Input required

We anticipate that the Group will meet approximately three times during the course of the review (January – May 2009), with meetings of approximately 1-1.5hrs. Travel expenses will be paid.

Expert Group Reps

The Expert Panel

Area Details
Early Years, home learning environment, child development Professor Ted Melhuish, Birkbeck, University of London
Education / curriculum Mick Waters – Director of Curriculum, QCA
Child protection / 3rd Sector Delroy Pommell, Director, London and the South East, Barnardos
Safeguarding Steve Hart, (HMI, Ofsted)
SEN Jean Humphreys (HMI, Ofsted)
3rd Sector Paul Ennals – Chief Executive, NCB
ICT / future technologies Professor Steve Heppell, Trustee of NotSchool.net
Children’s rights Sue Berelowitz, Chief Executive, 11 Million
Safeguarding Professor June Statham, Institute of Education
Education Professor James Conroy, Dean of Faculty of Education, University of Glasgow
SEN Beth Reid, National Autistic Society

OK, at the very least I shall be trying to contact Susan Berelowitz to tell her that when polled, a large majority of HE children say they would prefer not to see LA personnel and that of course, this must be given due consideration, not simply because this is only right, but also because it says so under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child:

"Article 12

1. States Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child."


  1. So, do we assume they've met? Once? Twice? Why has this list come out now, I wonder?

  2. Anonymous4:09 pm

    Yes, Allie, it seems a bit strange that the list should appear now. And, once again, most of 'em have nothing to do with Home Education and, I reckon, no knowledge of it. What a sham and a positive travesty.


  3. Experts in what? Certainly not HE.

  4. "ensure recommendations are rigorous and firmly rooted in evidence"

    ROFLMAO!!! Oh that IS precious!

  5. "ensure recommendations are rigorous and firmly rooted in evidence"

    ROFLMAO!!! Oh that IS precious!<<

    Isn't it just?! We are all going to have so much fun pulling this thing apart when it's finally published.

  6. Anonymous3:20 pm

    Re: article 12 1

    Where they say:
    "...the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child..."

    Might they not just interpret the child's maturity to mean that if the child says what they want to hear s/he is sufficiently mature to be heard? Are there further details on what constitutes a mature child? (Altho' I do think tho that using the law and human rights to defend HE as it stands is the best idea at the moment.)


  7. I think you are spot on there D. Take for instance the HPV vax - the FAQ sheet that we received stated that though they preferred girls to get parental consent, if they were mature enough to decide for themselves that they wanted the jab (against their parent's wishes) then this was acceptable and parental consent could be waived. I'd imagine were it the other way round, and the parents gave consent but the girl didn't want it, the parental decision would take priority.

  8. Anonymous9:04 am

    There is nothing about the panel that makes me want to trust any of them.
    As they are so into ICT and all that-where is the website with full info on each person explaining why they were invited and why they said yes?
    Where are the minutes of their meetings?

  9. Anonymous5:55 pm


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