Saturday, April 11, 2009

Unwaveringly Determined...

Just back from an HE camp.

There was so much that was invaluable and I don't mean just the fresh blast of thriving eco-systems. I mean that my youngest spent most of the week with a group of others who were almost twice her age and this with no effort on anyone's part; that we grown-ups are learning all the time about how to manage in big co-operative groups; that every night as I drifted off, I could hear the hum of the nimble-witted conversation, no adult moderation now needed, between young people who love each other so much and who work for each other.

These things really are special. We will not give this up lightly just because the government cannot yet be certain of it's value.


  1. Anonymous8:18 am

    Thanks for the link. Finally, a sensible article!

    Shirl x

  2. Anonymous8:57 am

    Nice to see you are back! Great link - altho' if his two years home edding cost the same as a 'flash new car' that meant he was able to offer an unusually expensive version of HE! Not that many parents could manage that. Not that I don't appreciate there a cheaper ways of doing it and Florence can probably be appreciated in books and films.


  3. Sigh...ah Firenze!

  4. It certainly is nice to be reminded of the good stuff from time to time. A body can get depressed endlessly considering to mess the government wants to make of HE.
