Saturday, October 17, 2009

Children Please Respond Too.

Message received from lists:

Please would all home educating children respond to the public consultation on Home Education - registration and monitoring proposals.

The government keep asserting that the Badman recommendations are about the rights of the child to be heard and to receive a suitable education.

This is a chance for all EHE children to let the government HEAR them and to let them know they find their EHE suitable and do not like Badman's recommendations.

And of course if parents and extended family have not responded yet..... hurry up :-)

The consultation closes on Monday 19th October and can be found here.


  1. Anonymous9:24 pm

    Youngest son has just responded :o)

  2. Fantastic news. Wondering what number he was. DS earlier this evening got 3008.

  3. Anonymous10:50 pm

    Hi Carlotta. He was around number 3100. Eldest son will be doing his tomorrow :o)

  4. We might as well issue the FOI now asking for a breakdown of the consultation responses! We must not let them pretend it is a vocal minority.

    I only know 1 family out of over a 100 at least, who approve of even some of the Badman proposals and even they are against his proposal to further define suitability and to interview the child alone.

    All of us, the vociferous ones and the quieter ones, know that his proposals would be DAMAGING for their families.
