Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Watch the Select Committee Live Today...Wednesday, from 09.30 am.

And while you're waiting, I'd recommend this post by the Bishop, some photos of the mass lobby here and another home educator's video footage.

There's also news that despite Mr Badman's protestations that his new, extremely hastily gathered statistics are "clean" and have passed muster with a DCSF statistician, an independent statistician disagrees with this assessment and has sent his critique of the figures, such as that on NEETs, to the Select Committee.

For a brief resume of at least some of the problems with his figures, see here.


  1. Anonymous10:46 am

    Nice to see Badman's stats trashed. I note that Baz Sheerman was way more hostile today than when he had his mates to chat to on Monday.
    Noticed he gave his mate Simon the last word. (And I thought the quip about getting AE kids to Oxford was so silly it made me laugh!)
    Didn't catch who the man with the aggressive "What have you got to hide?" approach was. His shocking ignorance of HE stood out though.

  2. I thought, generally speaking, that the witnesses did well. Which is not to say, I wasn't still jumping down shouting at the screen, wanting to explain, particularly to the "what have you got to hide bloke" that HE is SOOOOOO different from school, that whilst one might be able to judge HEors on the way they live their lives at the end of the process, there is NO way you could possibly judge them on schooling standards on the way there.

  3. Anonymous11:38 am

    its a stitch up job! the out come is all ready decided. Simon Webb is a joke why can he get to go there but home educated can not!

  4. Anonymous11:39 am

