Thursday, November 12, 2009

Change of Name

News just in: the 'Improving Schools and Safeguarding Children Bill' which promised to "improve monitoring arrangements for children educated at home" and which is due to be included in the Queen's Speech on the 18th Nov, has been renamed "The Children, Schools & Families Bill."

There's no further news on what's likely to be included in it.


  1. Anonymous12:42 pm

    LOL It has "listening to parents" and "improving monitoring of home education" in one place.

  2. Anonymous1:01 pm

    more tricks is it? bring it on we ready who 1st though the door? i have a nice surprise for our LEA!

  3. where did you see this?

  4. Hi R,

    My source was FB but don't know the original chain of info.

  5. Anonymous11:11 pm

    Oh what an interesting way to tie it up with other things and mean that we have to cause a whole white paper full of lots of different things to fall, not simply an with a small number of items (as it was originally mooted). Makes it practically impossible to repeal as well (as you can't selectively repeal in the way we'd need it to be)
