Monday, November 30, 2009

The Daily Mail on CRB checks for Home Educating Parents


  1. Think I said this before in relation to something else, but... A lot of these things seem to start as a half-heard idea, someone saying it but as their opinion not the organisation they work for, just an idea being discussed etc, then next thing you know it starts becoming Ofsted policy that HE parents should be CRBed, and lo and behold, they want the job. These people, and the ideas fuelling them, need to be stopped absolutely.

  2. I think you're right about that Barry.

    Hopefully, the CSF Bill is unlikely to get by,

    (it's utter fatuousness is well described here:

    so the greater worry is as you suggest, I suspect.

  3. Anonymous2:25 pm

    How about a bill to disband Ofsted.

  4. Is it just me, or does it feel as if the world is all upside down at the moment? Ofsted want to inspect homes, slanderous rumours are spread about people who are probably some of the most loving and well-adjusted families, people wanting the truth behind spurious figures being used to justify undermining their entire way of life are considered vexatious, results precede reviews and legislation precedes consultations that are supposed to influence the legislation. And when a tragedy happens the organisations who failed to prevent it try to deflect the blame by saying 'You see, what we need is more power to see what THOSE people are doing', pointing at loving families...

    The sad thing, of course, is that aside from the misery it will inflict on all the up to now happy home educating families, this bill would mean the people who do need help would get lost amongst the sea of paperwork and all the resources looking at families who don't need, or want, help.

    The other frustrating irony is that the people who have decided (perfectly legitimately) that they can do just fine in some areas of their life without state help, would find themselves subject to far more intervention, intrusion, monitoring, red tape and vexation from the very people they've eschewed.

  5. Anonymous5:08 pm

    Barry just tell the DCSF/State LA to f off!
