Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lord Lucas on the Children, Schools and Families Bill

...on Iplayer here and in Hansard here.

The home education community feels properly represented in Parliament. Lord Lucas is a good man who listens, understands and persists in making great good sense, but there are others who haven't taken the time. In her summing up, Baroness Royall of Blaisdon put the government's position:

"Clearly the noble Lord, Lord Lucas, does not like the part of the Bill relating to home education. However, the Government are committed to supporting its continuation as a choice for parents. Registration and monitoring will give local authorities the tools that they need to tackle the small number of cases where the education provided is not good enough. It will also ensure that in future there is a clearer picture on home-educated children. Home-educating families are doing a fine job and are co-operating with reasonable requests from their local authority; they will find little difference in their lives."

On this last point, she is completely wrong and shouldn't go about pretending that she knows what she is talking about.


  1. Anonymous10:08 pm

    but is unable to say yes or no to a register for home educated children! just like David Cameron has so far refused to say yes or no to a register for home educated children.

  2. Anonymous8:02 am

    I always believed in incompetency before malice-but frankly no more. Did the Baroness really speak on something she knew nothing about, or did she simply lie?

    I also agree with Anonymous that we still have no concrete promise from Mr Cameron that the status quo would be left. Even our knight Lord Lucas believes there should be a register-if only so that LAs know how many EHE children there are. In the past I wouldn't have objected so much to that-if there had been genuine help; free access to exams and resources for example-but not now. We have seen the truly nasty side of the LAs now. It's all too late.

  3. Yes, Mum, I just don't see the point of such a register, as there are no resources we could tap into, and it would almost certainly lead to abuses by LAs who, I am almost certain, would refuse to register HEors on spurious grounds...even if refusal to register wasn't specifically designated in law.

  4. Carlotta
    I think that definately would be true.We see them in this process completely ignoring reason, I can't see it being much different if it all goes through.Thinking of you today as you meet your MP.

  5. I'm not really with the "no point in being pragmatic" brigade; i do think we are stuck with box ticking change and even if i will resist it intruding into our life, i don't think we can afford to alienate people prepared to speak on our behalf. At least 1 comment on LL's blog shocked me for how short sighted the tone was. We've got one, at least mainly pro-HE, voice in each house and we just can't afford to throw them away. So thank heavens for LL, i say. Politicians are not perfect by definition but this one would at least seek to protect my children from stressful 121 meetings and for that i thank him.

  6. That said, the register is pointless, i agree. Anyone who has anything to hide will see criminalisation for that as a much lesser worry than being caught doing whatever they (might) be doing.

  7. Anonymous11:26 am

    merry your wrong once you go down register way the other bits will follow it the first step in the door by LA's
    I dont see Lord Lucas protecting our children what has he done said a few words in the lords so what! if you dont have face to face meeting it will flag up a concern!I do not trut any of them lords M.P's any of them they dont care about us!

  8. I think that this stage is about trying to get the whole schedule thrown out. If that happens then no registration scheme. Lord Lucas/Cameron etc. won't probably enter into any details at the moment because they want to keep it general in the hope the whole thing will go. If it later becomes clear that the schedule won't be totally chucked out then it will become a negotiation process where the pro-HE people try to get as good a deal as they can.

  9. I agree completely, Alice....and thanks Fiona T re MP!

    It went extremely well. My Lib Dem MP ushered me into the room with the words "Well, you won't need to stay here very long as I completely agree with you". And that was it really!

    I had so many unused arguments and so much adrenalin that the poor volunteer in the neighouring Oxfam shop got it in the ear!!

  10. Anonymous5:09 pm

    Carlotta is your M.P going to vote against the bill? what if the liberal party agrees with the new bill? will he still vote against it? its no good him agreeing with you if he not going to take action? he could also attempt to get other liberals on board.I heard that quite a few Liberals want a register. These M.P's pretend to agree with you but often its just a load of hot air!

  11. We will have to see, but suffice it say that I do intend to keep a close eye on this situation!

  12. I don't think i am necessarily wrong; i just have a different opinion to you, anonymous. And i don't think that ranting at people who are on our side will help, any more than i think ranting at each other helps.

  13. Anonymous10:44 am

    merry it not ranting and we do not have to go the box ticking way that lord lucas wants! We just be saying to any of it and your be pleased to know that we have never had a meeting with our LEA! or home visit! June 23 2003 was our date for home education.

  14. Anonymous11:28 am

    The text of Lord Lucas's speech (on Hansard) appears to have moved. Any idea where it has gone to? I tried searching Hansard but couldn't find it.

  15. Just wanted to say I think this is one of the best education blogs I've seen, if you ever want to 'guest blog' please drop us a line as I'm fairly sure the parents on our register would be interested.

    We found you because we've actually just commented on Lucas's comments ourselves (a reasonable number of our clients are home educators).

  16. Anonymous5:46 pm

    Ha - to be clear by 'register' I mean 'website'. Obviously the word is working its way into my brain!
