Saturday, February 06, 2010

Summary of the Public Bill Committee Stage

...and on the timing of the Children, Schools and Families bill from another HE blogger here.

Firebird comments here. Mum of Six here, Tech here.

Other memoranda that were submitted to the Public Bill Committee by HEors and other organisations:

Pam and Terry Perryman
Jacquie Cox
David Hough
Action for Home Education
Randal Hardy
Autism in Mind
Education Otherwise
Lorena Hodgson
Kelly Green
Louise Thorn
Dave Watson
Jill Harris
Dani Ahrens
Rosemary McGruther
Dr Ben. Anderson
Tania Berlow
Joint submission
Imran Shah

But herein lies the local government officials feeling the pinch of their interpretation of the law. The guidance on identifying children missing an education must be re-written to prevent government busybodies completely overriding parental responsibilities.

UPDATE: The Education Otherwise submission also explains that LA officials need to understand that s13a Education Act 1996 does not apply to home education.


  1. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want advice from people who don't understand that 'promte' is not the same as 'ensure'.

  2. Blogged about because seriously the LGA are frighteningly dumb!

  3. We pointed out that s.13A does not apply to home education.


  4. Ergh - is that what they are referring too? Am now way too annoyed to think straight, just for the mo. Must go and calm down.
