Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It isn't just home educators

...who are feeling the pain of the police state. Witness this post from The Conservative Blog.


  1. Anonymous8:21 pm

    Will David Cameron repeal any of these laws? i have not heard him say he will? i dont thin kthe torys will be any diferent which is a great shame i think all of them are now of the mind set of how to control us they fear us in case we take to the streets in large numbers!

  2. Anonymous8:26 am

    I have to admit I too wonder if dear ol' Dave will repeal all of this nastiness.
    He will have a gargantuan task on his hands because so many tin-pots are in position now.
    A lot of sacking, retraining and God alone knows what else will (expensively) be required to undo the damage.
    I hope he tries. I hope he succeeds-but for a while now I have sensed the storm coming. It wont be pretty.

  3. Anonymous8:59 am

    David Cameron has not said in a clear way that he is against laws over home education and seeing the child by an LA officer!

    Mum6kids is right i wonder if dear old dave will repeal all of this nastiness?
