Sunday, May 09, 2010

A New Home Schooled MP

Nicola Blackwood, Conservative MP for Oxford West and Abingdon.


  1. Anonymous7:19 pm

    I've heard she's a good'un. Not the usual kind of politician.

  2. she really is a good 'un. I've known her well IRL for almost 15 years.

  3. Anonymous12:42 pm

    what do you mean by a good 'un? i take it she wont claim any extra money such as first class rail travel or duck ponds or doing her house up?/ 2nd homes?

  4. Anonymous2:12 pm

    I take it she wont either. Just as I take it EHE families aren't abusing our children, forcing them into marriage or using them for "domestic servitude"; and just as I assume we are not refusing to provide suitable education for our children.
    Remember all that?
    Making snide remarks about EHE and bandying about falsities?
    We don't like it, so we don't do it.

  5. Unpleasant comment, anonymous. Shame on you. This MP is very very likely to be championing your liberties in the next 5 years, with keen memories of how the CSF bill would have adversely affected her own education and upbringing. I have no idea why you are sneering instead of cheering.

  6. Anonymous9:55 am

    Are you saying Emma she wont be claiming loads of money or these things such first class rail travel/petrol money? 2nd homes? you say say she be championing my liberties how? making a quick speach in the commons? and we supposed to be grateful? my guess is she be like the rest of them helping her self to tax payers money!They dont care about us dispite the fact we pay they wages! they treat us like trash!
    you only see an M.P near election time i wonder why?
