Sunday, October 11, 2009

News Update from the DCSF

It's great news in some ways. I don't feel the need to blog nearly so much nowadays, as everyone else is doing such an excellent job of it. I just have to provide the links!

Long term political HE blogger Gill is still going for it in superb fashion as ever. She provides the arguments as well as the links on the flurry of activity from the DCSF over the last few days.


  1. what is the good news? Feel like I'm being very slow...

  2. You're right Emma. I am stretching a point in trying to look for a silver lining in this debacle.

    My tiny scrap of good news is entirely selfish. Way back when, you, Gill and I were the only UK bloggers to cover the political side of HE. Now there are dozens, and it takes the pressure off us a bit, I think!

    However, (lol) pressure back on you, as I meant to link to your excellent consultation response!
