Monday, October 12, 2009

Watch the Select Committee Live Today...Monday

here, from 3.45 pm.

UPDATE: HE section starts at 16.45 hours.

Wednesday's procedings will be viewable here.


  1. Home ed bit is scheduled to start at 4.45

  2. I believe it is open to (a limited number of) the public, on a first come, first served basis too. Do they make transcripts available of all Select Committee hearings, do we know? If not, I think you can watch it after the fact for a period of time.


  3. I'm not sure watching the Badman bit would be all that good for my blood pressure. The sight of him lying his slimy little head off ... Grrrr!

    OTOH if the committee really rip into him, well maybe I ought to make popcorm ;-)

  4. I know what you mean, I sort of want to watch but sort of don't - must pay attention to what they're saying, but will be painful hearing all the bs from Badman about the great new support and opportunities for us all...
