Just in case it passed you by, this needs signing...
"We, the undersigned, petition the Prime Minister to ensure that all parents are informed of their legal right to Home educate their Children.
At the moment it is a closely guarded secret that all parents have the right to home educate their children. We would like to see the government informing all parents of that right. We would also like to see the government ensuring that the LEA inspectors of Home Educators are pro home education and have a knowledge of the different ways in which Home education can be delivered by parents. We also want it recognised that children vary in their abilities and that there is no way to gauge when a child will be proficient in any one area of learning."
I don't see a Carlotta there.
Tee hee...now, come on!
You mean it's not your real name? o_O
What I meant was that there's nobody named Carlotta in the signature list.
Yep, but it is but one of my names.
leo,i think carlotta uses her middle name for blogging and her first name(or even another middle name?)for official government stuff.so they're both "real" if that makes sense ?
love, fiona
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