Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Encompass Trust

Out of the tragedy of the Bali bombings comes a wonderful idea -

"Encompass takes diverse groups of young people out of environments familiar to them and puts them in challenging new ones- environments where they need to work together to achieve shared objectives. As they do this, they learn to trust each other, and with this trust comes the confidence to talk about the issues at hand: stereotypes, identity, conflict.

"As the participants learn about each others cultures and beliefs, Encompass is there to support them develop a global alumni committed to the ideals of cultural understanding, tolerance and citizenship."

I wonder if Home Educators could lead the way in a project such as this?

Since the expansion of HE in the UK, it seems that it is becoming easier and easier for different interest groups to develop and become self-sufficient. There are, for example, quite distinct religious groups, such as the Christian or Muslim social meets and e-lists; there are other groups that evolve as a result of differing educational theory, structured versus unstructured, for example. Whilst it is wonderful that families can find such appropriate support, it may be that we need to be learning more about each other. Putting everyone into a situation where they would benefit from mutual support could be just the thing.

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