Saturday, April 07, 2007

Have You Signed Up Yet?

Just a reminder that if you haven't signed up for the DfES consultation on light touch changes to home education, it would be worth doing so now, if only to make the point that despite the delay in the start of the consultation, we are still watching, we are still very concerned and that a great number of us will be around to make our points when the time comes.

To keep Home Education as we know and love it,

Write to Elaine Haste of the Elective Home Education Department (DfES) at or at and ask to be included on a list of those who receive information about the consultation.

sample letter/email to DFES :

I understand that there is to be a DFES consultation about light touch changes to the "monitoring" of home educated children. Please keep me informed of any further developments with regard to this consultation. Please therefore include me on a list of those who would like to receive information about the consultation.

Yours sincerely"

= = = = = = = = =

Postal address:

Elective Home Education
Mowden Hall,
DL3 9BG.

= = = = = = = = =

For further details about what to do regarding the consultation, see here.

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